來源:mobile01 - 如果你拿著一隻白砲的話

剛剛看到某貼有渾身是砲的攝影師的英勇行為,想起在 Fred and Miranda 上面的一個討論串,還蠻好笑的


有天我帶著 400/4 DO 出門,在一個眺望著太平洋的峭壁邊上,等著鵜鶘乘風飛上來,有兩個人在我背後發話了。
乙:『日本 !』

有一個週末我扛著腳架,帶著小兔和 600/4L 到國家公園去外拍。被一對小情侶撞見,18 歲的小女生走過來問我『請問....你那隻是照相機還是望遠鏡』,那時天色已晚,我隨口應『照相機』.

背著 600/4L 走了一段路以後,不但汗流浹背而且還有點喘,有個小白就跑來我旁邊說『辛苦你了,還好你沒帶長鏡頭出來 ^^||』(伊娘哩,不然你是有 1200/5.6)
『@@ 真的嗎.....』
.............於是我就給他看我剛剛拍到的照片 01

又有一天,大概早上七點,我在 Tillamook 附近的 Three Capes 國家公園準備把身上的裝備卸下來,當天我身上的裝備是 1)外套 2)攝影背心 3)Tamrac 背包和備用三腳架 4)肩帶上面裝著另一個機身 5)主力三腳架,上面裝著主力機身和長鏡頭,把裝備脫下來以後我發現有一個家庭愣愣的盯著我看,半晌,媽媽酸酸的說『你穿那麼多不會悶死嗎』狂笑

我不知道別人會不會這樣,不過每次我去的地方觀光客都很多,常常有人請我用他們的傻瓜相機幫他們拍照,他們應該多少知道我不會把他們的相機搞壞才放心讓我拍 (苦笑)
有一天我在舊金山替一群人拍照,我把相機對準他們,讓他們站在一起,然後左腳弓右腳箭,把相機轉直替他們拍了一張好片(自豪ing 加持),拿給他們看的時候,那人居然說『沒想到你拍的還不錯嘛.....』


『你-那-隻-是-幾- m-m -的』

....剛剛都是聽別人說的,現在是我的親身經歷,今天早上我去潮間帶打水鳥,那個地方大概水深三呎,我帶著小兔, 600/4L, 1.4 加倍鏡還有 12mm 延伸管,牢牢的鎖在我的 Gitzo 三腳架和 Wimbery-head 雲台上面,雖然裝備沉重依然固若金湯 (
(怪醫注: 這傢伙打鳥大概像這樣: )。
打鳥時我會用一張軍用品店買來的偽裝網,用來讓鳥兒放鬆戒心,雖然這個今天偽裝網看起來跟環境實在差粉多 orz。 照完了以後,我從相機上面把網子拆下來,然後先把它放在小路上面待會再收。
你今天抓了多少魚啊 流口水

"Wow, that's a canon!"

I was out shooting with the 400mm f/4 DO, on a cliff overlooking the Pacific, waiting for pelicans to ride the wind up the cliff. Two guys walk up behind me:
First Guy: What are you taking pictures of!!
Second Guy: Japan.

One weekend I was out at a state park with my 1dm2 & 600mm f/4 and tripod and was approached by a young couple. The 18ish girl walks up to me and asks, "Is that a camera or a telescope?" It's the late afternoon. I reply, "A camera," and she says, "Oh damn, I just lost a bet!"

As I was putting the 600 f4 in the trunk, I was sweating a bit from a long hot walk, and a guy walks up and says, "Hard work, huh? Good thing you didn't bring the long lens!"

"Wow! Did you get any pictures of birds with that?"
>"No, I got a Mountain Lion."
"Really?" Nervously now, "Not really right? I've been jogging here for 20 years."
I showed him the picture...

Another story; Around 7am, I was unloading at Three Capes State Park near Tillamook, Oregon. As I turned around after putting on my 1)jacket 2)photo vest 3)Tamrac backpack with extra tripod 4) second body on shoulder strap & 5)main camera body & long lens (with green cover) mounted on main tripod, I saw a whole family watching me. The Mom says with more than a hint of sarcasm, "Oh, well, you'll be inconspicuous in that!"

I don't know about you guys, but everyplace I go that the tourists also go, they all hand me their P&S camera and ask if I'll take their picture. Okay, I guess it makes sense, they know I'm not going to run off with their camera.
So I take a picture of a couple in SF the other day, and as I'm lining up the shot, I make them move to one side, and I drop to one knee for the right angle. and flip to portrait with the camera. I hand it back and they look at the screen.
With great surprise the man says, "That's pretty good..." Did he think I lug all this camera gear around for the exercise?

Lining up for a shot of Roosevelt Elk in a marsh. I'm up to my knees in muck, 50m away from the road, at the bottom of a steep hill, waiting for the right light, the right moment. Man in minivan gets out with children.
Man yells:"What size lens is that?" Elk heads pop up in alarm. kids start screaming...
Man yells:"I bet that's heavy! Look at that, kids, he carried that all the way down there!" Elk start briskly moving away.
Man yells:"That'll be a good shot!" Elk are gone...

Okay, this one's really original... I went out this one morning to a tide flat to shoot birds. It's about 3' deep. I took the 1DM2, 600mm f/4, 1.4x TC, & 12mm extension tube with a Wimberly head on a massive Gitzo tripod. You can't miss the camera.
I bought a camoflage net, from the army surplus store. This fools birds, even if it doesn't match the surroundings. When finished, I went to roll up the net by picking it up from the camera, uncovering it, and then laying the net on the trail.
Just then, two older vietnamese women walk up the trail. One of them looks at me, in my photo vest next to the camera, points at the net and says quite seriously,
"How many fish you get with that?" 驚訝 ?

Latest comment from non photog tourist:
"Wow, that's a canon!"

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