Here are a variety of questions and answers for parents about the role of piano study in child development.
Q: What are the “3 C’s”?
A: They are Concentration, Coordination and Confidence — the key non-musical benefits a child receives from taking piano lessons.
答: Concentration專注力, Coordination協調性 and Confidence自信
Q: Is it true that children take to music naturally?
A: Babies typically are introduced to music through lullabies. As children grow, songs and music play a vital role in their development.
Q: How can children improve their performance in school?
問: 孩童如何改善學校的表現?
A: By learning and practicing the piano. When a child concentrates at the piano, he or she develops good study habits that transfer to other endeavors.
答: 學習與練習鋼琴.當孩童專注在練習鋼琴時.他們同時也發展出良好學習習慣.
Q: What do piano lessons and athletics have in common?
A: Piano lessons require a child to use eyes, ears, arms, legs, feet and all ten fingers. This is an excellent way to help develop hand-eye and body coordination on the athletic field.
答: 彈琴要求孩子運用眼耳手臂腿足以及10根手指.這是極佳方式幫助發展眼手以及身體協調.這一點與運動員訓練是雷同的.
Q: How can my child become more outgoing and have better self-esteem?
問: 如何使孩子更外向活潑有自信?
A: Learning to play music on the piano increases a child's confidence. Over time, this accomplishment develops into greater assurance and pride.
Q: Should you try to make your child a concert pianist?
A: Of course not. The overriding goal of studying piano is not necessarily preparing for the concert stage, but to enjoy the experience and gain benefits such as concentration, coordination and confidence.
Q: Should a child begin to study piano at a particular age?
A: The sooner the better. Even at age three a child is ready to learn piano and gain the positive attributes that will carry over into pre-school, elementary school and beyond.
答: 音樂的陶冶是越早越好.即使是三歲幼兒園小娃或是小學或更大孩子都可以學琴.但是興趣培養是重點.
Q: Why is the piano an educational tool for children?
問: 為什麼學琴被視為孩童教育工具之一?
A: It is a constructive way to learn how to concentrate and get more out of school. It is also much better for a child to sit and play the piano each day than to sit in front of the television for hours.
答: 學琴是有積極正面的方式獲得專注甚至更多的課餘活動.每天坐在鋼琴前練習總比坐在電視機前幾小時來得有益處.
Q: Can a music teacher make a difference in a child’s development?
問: 鋼琴老師對孩子發展有影響嗎?
A: Very much so. This relationship helps a child mature by providing careful instruction, guidance, confidence and praise, while instilling a “can do” attitude.
答: 鋼琴老師對孩子身心發展是相當有影響的.這種師生互動的關係能夠經由
Q: Can playing the piano make your child a success in life?
問: 彈琴能使孩子的人生成功嗎?
A: Nothing guarantees success, but observations by psychologists have shown that children who play the piano usually earn better grades, are more self-confident and use the benefits of their piano training throughout their life.
答: 世上沒有任何事是保證成功的.但是根據心理學家觀察顯示:學琴的孩子在學校成及的確比較出色.以及較有自信.並且會運用學琴所得訓練薰陶到其他人生領域
Q: Can the piano be considered an investment in a child’s future?
問: 鋼琴能被視為對孩子未來一種投資嗎?
A: This is the perfect way to describe what piano lessons can do for a child because the benefits go beyond just learning to appreciate music. As a child learns to concentrate at the piano, he or she is developing skills that last a lifetime.
- Jul 10 Mon 2006 01:02
Benefits Of A Piano學琴鋼琴的益處